programas de autoayuda online cognitivo conductuales y apps

 Online / Computerised CBT
Online Tools
  • MindQuire  Free online CBT exercises
  •  Fun activities to help improve your mental health (some free content)
  • MoodScope  Free online mood tracker (can share data with other eg. professional)
  • MoodPanda  Free online mood tracker - web browser or iPhone
  • MoodTracker  Free online mood tracker  (can share data with other eg. professional)
  • Healthy Place Journal  Free online mood tracker  (can send alerts to other eg. professional)
  • MoodJournal   Free online mood tracker   - web browser, iPhone or Android (can share data with other eg. professional)
Apps for Smart Phones   (free or pay items)
If unable to download from the website link, go to your phone's marketplace/store and search for the title
  iPhone, iTouch, iPad etc Android

* my recommendations for free Android apps
(I use Android so I've downloaded and tested a few)

 Windows phone 7  Blackberry

Let me know if you find any more CBT or relevant smart phone apps - especially for Windows or Blackberry phones


Printable Self Help Workbooks


Anxiety Disorders

Substance Misuse
  • Ups & Downs  Substance Use and mental health problems
Eating Disorders
General / Other

Other Self Help Resources
MIND Publications
Other Links

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"GeoMemoria: Navegando por el Pasado para Construir el Futuro"

*Introducción:* En la era digital, donde la geo localización es omnipresente, se ha gestado un proyecto que fusiona tecnología moderna con m...