• CBT Self Help Therapy

    The CBT Self Help Therapy web-based program is based on the content of a book written by the same authors. It is designed to help people with a range of different mood disorder symptoms, including anxiety and depression. The program consists of 14 sessions that are based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The initial session is free and the following, fee-based sessions cover topics such as: the components of emotional responses, avoidance, emotional awareness, defusion, flexibility of thinking, relaxation, communication skills, visualisation, relapse prevention. The program includes video clips from therapists, automated 'check-in' emails and exercises and worksheets for you to complete and review your progress.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    eCentreClinic - The Managing Stress and Anxiety Course

    The eCentreClinic Managing Stress and Anxiety Course is designed to help adults aged 60+ to manage symptoms of stress and anxiety. The course includes 5 online lessons plus homework assignments and additional resources. It is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and aims to provide the same type of information as in traditional face-to-face treatment from a clinical psychologist. The course targets issues relevant to mature adults including changing roles, changes in health, and maintaining independence. The first trials of the Course are complete but you can register your interest in future trials.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    eCentreClinic - The Wellbeing Course (GAD)

    The eCentreClinic Wellbeing Course is designed to teach you about how to manage symptoms of both anxiety and depression. The course includes 5 online lessons plus homework assignments and additional resources. It is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and aims to provide the same type of information as in traditional face-to-face treatment from a clinical psychologist. The course will help you to gain better control over your symptoms, improve your confidence and help you to return to living a full and satisfying life. Applications for the next Wellbeing Course are now open.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    e-couch (GAD)

    e-couch provides evidence-based information about emotional problems including their causes, treatments and ways to manage and prevent them. You can view some of this information before you register. When you register for the program you complete a number of quizzes, for example about depression and anxiety, which give feedback on how you are feeling. On return visits, these quizzes can graph your progress. The program includes five separate programs relating to depression, anxiety and worry, social anxiety, divorce and separation, and bereavement and loss. Each program includes an 'armchair' section with lots of information, a collection of self-help toolkits with practical advice and techniques based on CBT, IPT, physical activity and relaxation, and a workbook. You can complete the various actvities within each program in any order - and your progress is tracked and displayed.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    HealthSteps for Generalised Anxiety Disorder (Australia)

    The HealthSteps for GAD program is an interactive online program designed to inform you about GAD and help you develop the skills to overcome it.  The program includes 12 structured sessions scheduled over 48 weeks.  These sessions focus on understanding your anxiety, changing the way you think and behave in regard to situations and events, and managing your medication.  Each session provides key information and skills-training for you to practice through worksheets and exercises.  You can review past readings, sessions and worksheets, chart your progress throughout the course, and have access to an online diary, reminders, summaries, and can request support from a professional.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    iCounselor - Anxiety

    iCounselor - Anxiety is a mobile app available for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch. It is designed to be a portable tool to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and is based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy. Firstly you rate your level of anxiety on a scale of 0 to 10. You can then follow instructions for one of the calming activities. Next, you select one of the suggested ways to change your thoughts that trigger your anxiety and finally select a type of solution for your problem. At the end of this process, you again rate your anxiety, to monitor any change. You can repeat this process and select any of the calming activities, thought changes and solutions to suit you.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    Livanda: CBT for Anxiety and Concern (Sweden)

    The Livanda program for Anxiety and Concern contains 8 modules based on CBT.  Each section contains an introduction to the content of the module and how it relates to anxiety, homework tasks, an indicator of your progress, and assistance with remaining motivated.  The CBT modules provide information about anxiety and how it affects different people, physiological reactions to anxiety and their impact, skills-training to reduce anxiety, identifying why we worry and the role of negative thoughts and behaviours in this process, conflict resolution, and help moving forward and preventing relapse.  The program also includes relaxation training, exercises designed to help you change your thinking, and an analysis of your thoughts and behaviours and strategies to maintain progress.  For an extra fee you can ask Psychologists personal questions, and also have access to questions and answers from previous users.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    Moody Me

    Moody Me is an iPhone application designed to help in managing a mood disorder, depression, or anxiety. The app allows you to track your moods over time. You can record your symptoms (like feeling anxious, stressed, calm, etc.), treatments (such as antidepressants and other medications) and events (such as work situations, financial or relationship issues) to see what affects your mood. The app includes graphs which show changes in your mood by the hour, by the day, or over the past 90 days. The calendar view function of the app shows how you were feeling on a given day and what influenced your mood. You can post questions about your mood concerns in a free online support forum, sync/backup your data online, add information online and have it automatically sync to your iPhone, and print out all your mood data.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 

    myRay is an extended program of CBT which focuses on your personal experiences and what you can do to improve well-being.  It comprises six major sections: identification of daily habits and skills-training in time management, relaxation techniques to help you cope more effectively with stress, CBT to help you understand your thoughts and change negative perceptions of the environment, the identification of personality traits that might impact upon you and training in changing these, a focus on your experiences and the impact of your perceived control, and an e-group which gives the chance to communicate with others using the program and also participate in group therapy.  The site includes features such as video tutorials, feedback on your responses, a glossary, and options for in depth or brief explanations in each part.  To enrol you must complete a 28-question assessment.  If you are considered likely to benefit from the program you will be invited to subscribe.
  • There is no evidence at the moment. 
    The Linden Method

    The Linden Method iPhone mobile application is designed to treat panic and anxiety disorders by teaching you to 'switch off' the 'fight-or flight' response. It includes various segments of video footage, including suggested techniques for breaking the 'anxiety cycle', replacing anxiety thoughts and visualisation exercises. The program also includes four 'super apps' to be used during panic attacks - The Panic Attack Talk Down, AnxietyStop Watch, BreatheRight, The Panic Eliminator. Information about various anxiety disorders is available - and details about the use of the application to treat different types of anxiety. Additional audio material is available for children (6-14 year olds).

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